IGCC Candidates

Interest Group Coordination Council Candidates

Representative (two-year term)


Katie Edmiston

Prior leadership experience:
I have significant experience serving in coordinating roles within various committees and professional organizations. Most recently I served as the chair of the conference program planning committee for the ACRL Arts section, and as a conference planning co-liaison for ArLiSNAP (Art Librarian Students and New Professionals).

Why would you like to serve on the IGCC?
MiALA is one of my favorite organizations to be a part of, and I find the Interest Groups very valuable as well. I'm very interested in increasing my service with MiALA, and think this would be a great opportunity. I am also looking forward to the ability to meet and network with more folks across the state of Michigan!

What would you like to gain from your time on the IGCC?
I would like to contribute to making the MiALA Interest Groups as successful as possible, and advocate for their value to others. I would like to build stronger relationships with other academic librarians throughout the state of Michigan, and increase my involvement with MiALA. 

Micheal Bradford

Prior leadership experience
I currently serve on the Steering Committee of the MCLS Linked Data for Libraries Users Group. We just completed our 3rd annual Wikidata Edit-a-thon! In the recent past, I served on the Technical Services Interest Group (TSIG) Steering Committee for the American Theological Library Association (Atla). I now serve as a Liaison of TSIG to the ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA).

Why would you like to serve on the IGCC?
As a relatively new MiALA member, I have found the programming and discussions held by the Interest Groups to be valuable, not only in its content, but as a way to connect with my colleagues across the state. I would like to serve on the IGCC to help make sure that the IGs continue to thrive and provide a valuable service for my colleagues across MiALA.

What would you like to gain from your time on the IGCC?
I would hope that, if elected, I would gain a greater understanding on how the Interest Groups work, and its relationships with MiALA. 


Member-at-Large (one-year term)


Raya Samet

No PhotoPrior leadership experience
I'm just concluding a year serving as chair of the MiALA OER IG. I have both chaired and served on many committees at UM-Dearborn including the Open Education Committee, which established and administers a grants program for faculty and staff members. I am also a member of the campus council for my union, LEO-GLAM. 

Why would you like to serve on the IGCC?
Having finished a term as the Chair of the OER IG and enjoying the support of the IGCC, I'd like to pay it forward and serve on the Coordination Council. I believe in the power of MiALA to connect library professionals across the state, and want to be a part of continuing to build on what we can achieve together. 

What would you like to gain from your time on the IGCC?
I'd like a better sense of what the different interest groups are currently doing and how they can be strengthened going forward. 

Rebecca Renirie

Prior leadership experience
I currently serve on the MiALA IDEA Committee (since 2021) and the Membership Committee (since 2023), and will be rolling off of both as we close out the fiscal year. I also served on the 2021 Nominating Committee and the (former) STEM Interest Group (2016-2022). I was Vice Chair of the STEM Interest Group from 2017-2018 and Chair from 2018-2019. Finally, I was the Public University Representative for the Executive Board from 2017 to 2019. In addition to my roles in MiALA I am also an active member of MHSLA, RDAP, and the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS).

Why would you like to serve on the IGCC?
When the IGCC was created, I thought it was a great way to streamline the communication between interest groups and the Executive Board, and to avoid redundancy or duplication of effort. I would like to be more involved in that process and help guide the interest groups forward in providing valuable resources and services to our membership.

What would you like to gain from your time on the IGCC?
I would love to gain more experience in helping to coordinate activities of the different interest groups, as well as getting a better idea of how they operative and what specifically (programming, networking, etc.) they provide for our members. A more holistic understanding of the MiALA IGs will help me to be a more engaged member myself, and let me better help the organization as a whole as we move forward.

Current members who will remain on the Interest Group Coordinating Council for the 2024-2025 year:

IGCC RepresentativeMariela Hristova
IGCC RepresentativeJonathan Scherger

Click here for Board Nominee Information

All members will receive a ballot by email on Monday, June 3. The deadline to submit your ballot is Friday, June 14 at 5:00 pm.